
While I am able to write stories in a completely silent room, I have to say music really helps inspire me. I end up making[…]

Behind-the-scenes of a photo

You can find this photo on my Viewbug site as well. I have a hate/love relationship with hiking. I hate the effort it takes to[…]

Mikan mania

I hate winter after the holidays are done, much like I think everyone else does. After the cheerful glow of Christmas and Japan’s own version[…]

Behind-the-scenes of a photo

Every now and then I’d like to take a minute to briefly describe what went into making a photo either posted on my Viewbug account[…]

A flurry of words

I’ve had my share of writer’s block. I usually spend the time during the dry spells looking over what I’ve already written and sometimes pushing[…]


I plan on using this site to update about my writing progress and my journey to getting published. Since I’m lucky enough to live in[…]