Cherry blossoms

I think one of the first things I think about when I think about Japan are cherry blossoms. Japan doesn’t disappoint on this front; there[…]

Waffles + Mochi

My kids and I have been loving this show on Netflix. I really hope it sparks a deeper interest in cooking for them. For those[…]

Behind the scenes of a photo

You can see details of the actual photo at: Back in the summer, my family and I decided to go hiking in Shirakoma Forest,[…]


I have to say I am a tremendous fan of Marvel right now. While I have never read the comics, the films and TV shows[…]

Hina Matsuri

March 3rd this year is an event called “Hina Matsuri.” “Hina” means doll and “matsuri” means festival. This is an event only for little girls,[…]