I miss watching HGTV. There’s something incredibly soothing about watching other people take a house and rennovate it. For a while I even enjoyed watching[…]


It comes with the territory of trying to become a professional author, but rejection still stings. I know fear of that pain is why many[…]

Being in an earthquake

Yet another devastating earthquake has struck the world, this time in a region that is already in chaos. Before moving to Japan, I had no[…]

Why didn’t I tell you a million times?

I love Japan’s TV dramas. For one thing, most of the stories are simple, making them easy for me to follow in Japanese. For another[…]

A love of food on Japanese TV

I have watched quite possibly far too much Japanese TV since I first came to live in Japan in 2009. While by no means does[…]

Winter gardening

I’m gradually falling into the world of gardening, learning more with each passing season and each new plant bought. The other day a nearby bookstore[…]

Out with the old

As I wrote in 2020, Japan is more about the New Year than Christmas when it comes to major holidays. Christmas is for going out[…]


I’m really excited to announce I had a short story published called “Fading” in an anthology by Quill & Crow Publishing House that they have[…]

Working on a new book

For me, writing feels a lot like a disease at times. Or maybe an addiction. When I have a story idea in my mind, my[…]


I’m extremely happy to report I had a short, slightly scary story published on called “Tsumi.” You can read it here. In Japanese, 罪[…]

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