Japan has a long history of living with natural disasters. The nation has to contend with typhoons, volcanic eruptions, tsunami and earthquakes way more than[…]
If you have plans on living in Japan long-term, there are a few things I think might be worth considering before making any solid plans.[…]
What’s happening in a nightmare in Ukraine. Rather than offering something akin to thoughts and prayers, I thought I’d offer links below to places where[…]
I finally got to rent the latest Dune movie on Amazon Prime. I’ve never read any of the Dune books, so I was walking into[…]
I love how I can have a little garden at the back of our home, but given that our backyard is all concrete, my only[…]
I’m happy to announce I had a short story published in Millennial Pulp. The story is a not-so-subtle echo of my own frustrations trying to[…]
I’m extremely happy to announce I had a short story published in The Worlds Within. Called “An Endless Dance”, the story is about the sun[…]
Given the pandemic is still raging, the following scenario likely won’t happen anytime soon, but if you ever find yourself in a situation like this,[…]
I’m happy to share that I got a short story published in Orca, A Literary Journal. Called “The Lights Above,” it’s a story I saw[…]
Whenever the pandemic does finally calm down, I think a lot of people in Japan will go back to visiting each other’s homes. There are[…]