Riding the Sunrise Express

Not quite so long ago, Japan used to have a plethora of overnight trains with beds so you could wake up at your destination. The[…]

Seasonal fruit

In Japan, you’re not likely to wander into a grocery store and find the same fruit available all year round. The only exceptions I’ve ever[…]


I don’t know what it is, but every person from Japan I’ve ever met has reacted to seeing a squirrel the same way most would[…]

Finding English books

For people who are coming to visit Japan (which is apparently doing away with most of its restrictions for travelers starting October 11th), there’s very[…]

Typhoon Season

Today feels like summer never even happened here. It’s about 24 C, dark and gloomy as Typhoon No. 11 heads toward us. September is the[…]

Japan’s trains

With Japan opening up its borders to tourists, I thought I’d cover a few things that might be helpful to know when you’re visiting. Last[…]

Beating the heat in 2 major cities

If you plan on visiting Japan in the summer, unless you plan on staying up north like in Hokkaido or Aomori, you can expect temperatures[…]


I’m really happy to report I had a short story published in Literally, Stories called “Hatsubon.” As I mentioned earlier, I really love connecting short[…]

The death of Shinzo Abe

One of Japan’s newspapers called The Asahi Shimbun published an opinion piece this morning where one of their reporters talks about their experience watching former[…]

A new story

After what I suppose could be considered writer’s block (I’ve been writing short stories but not a book for a while), I have an idea[…]

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