I think I join a lot of people in thinking time kind of stopped at the end of 2019. I can’t believe it’s almost 2022.[…]
I’d like to take a moment to proclaim that I loathe the notion of “boys'” toys and “girls”” toys. I know some companies in America[…]
I’m happy to share here that I got another short story published. Called, “The Guide”, it’s about a woman who helps lead people who have[…]
As Christmas swiftly approaches, I’m hoping to donate a few things, which can often not be so straightforward in Japan. Here are a few places[…]
Japan has a tradition of doing a massive cleanup of their homes before the year ends, and I happen to love joining in on this[…]
Suffice it to say, there is no Thanksgiving in Japan. Not many here know when it even is, and that makes sense to me .[…]
I’m ridiculously new to trying to keep a bonsai alive, but I now have three of the poor trees under my care. I’m in love[…]
For whenever Japan finally allows tourists from abroad back into the nation again, I thought I’d put a few tips I’ve accumulated for how to[…]
Over the over 12 years I’ve spent in Japan, I’ve realized a few points about bad English that you can find here: You won’t find[…]
Japan has a problem with English, that much I’m aware. They have two mentalities, I think, going against them here. First, this is a culture[…]